Adelaide Fringe 2019: Oysters


Oysters at The Bakehouse

I am going to have to start handing out 6 stars. Fantastic script which we are waiting to get in printed form; apparently it should be out in April. It’s a London habit we’ve got into, buying the script of plays we go to there and this one is well worth it.

The stars are Neil Salvage and Nicholas Collett, both highly accomplished British actors, and each playing several characters with aplomb. But Ahram Min is mostly on stage with violin in hand, playing from time to time and Adelaidean Stefanie Rossi has a key, if smaller part. However, she was in back to back shows and in All Change she has a harrowing major role: that can’t be easy. She continues to impress.

Evidently this is a reworking of a screenplay, which I assume has yet to be taken up. I can’t help wondering what will be lost in the film. One can see why it would make a good movie, but at the same time, much of what was fun about seeing it on stage, the actors taking on the various characters, the ghostly violinist overseeing everything, would presumably be lost. It’s a wonderful piece of theatre which deserves a sellout at the Fringe. Don’t miss it, you’ll be kicking yourself when you see the movie (fingers crossed on that happening) and could have done it up close and naked here at the Bakehouse.

PS: I think that the name of the play is a mistake. It should be something more related to the subject and also something one can readily find on the internet without being taken to seafood restaurants.


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